
The harden tactic is used to increase the opportunity cost of computer network exploitation. Hardening differs from Detection in that it generally is conducted before a system is online and operational.

Informational References



ID Name Description
D3-MH Message Hardening
D3-MAN Message Authentication
D3-MENCR Message Encryption
D3-TAAN Transfer Agent Authentication
D3-CH Credential Hardening
D3-BAN Biometric Authentication
D3-CBAN Certificate-based Authentication
D3-CP Certificate Pinning
D3-CTS Credential Transmission Scoping
D3-DTP Domain Trust Policy
D3-MFA Multi-factor Authentication
D3-OTP One-time Password
D3-SPP Strong Password Policy
D3-UAP User Account Permissions
D3-CRO Credential Rotation
D3-PH Platform Hardening
D3-BA Bootloader Authentication
D3-DENCR Disk Encryption
D3-DLIC Driver Load Integrity Checking
D3-FE File Encryption
D3-LFP Local File Permissions
D3-RFS RF Shielding
D3-SU Software Update
D3-SCP System Configuration Permissions
D3-TBI TPM Boot Integrity
D3-AH Application Hardening
D3-ACH Application Configuration Hardening
D3-DCE Dead Code Elimination
D3-EHPV Exception Handler Pointer Validation
D3-PAN Pointer Authentication
D3-PSEP Process Segment Execution Prevention
D3-SAOR Segment Address Offset Randomization
D3-SFCV Stack Frame Canary Validation