Camouflage, Concealment, and Decoys (CCD): Space Weather

Space weather and its associated hazards imposed on spacecraft are a well-studied field of their own. However, it is also important to note the potential for threat actors to take advantage of heightened periods of solar activity to conduct electromagnetic interference (EMI) operations as they may be falsely attributed to natural events.

ID: CM0085
Sub-technique of:  DE-0009
Related Aerospace Threat IDs: 
Created: 2023/04/22
Last Modified: 2023/04/22


ID Name Description NIST Rev5 D3FEND ISO 27001
CM0085 Electromagnetic Shielding Satellite components can be vulnerable to the effects of background radiation in the space environment and deliberate attacks from HPM and electromagnetic pulse weapons. The effects can include data corruption on memory chips, processor resets, and short circuits that permanently damage components.* * CP-13 PE-18 PE-19 PE-21 A.5.29 A.5.10 A.7.5 A.7.8 A.7.5 A.7.8 A.8.12