SPARTA Tactics

SPARTA Tactics (ST) represent the “why” of a SPARTA technique or sub-technique. It is the threat actor’s tactical goal and the reason they are performing a technique. For example, a threat actor may want to achieve initial access on a spacecraft via cyber means.

ID Name Description
ST0001 Reconnaissance Threat actor is trying to gather information they can use to plan future operations.
ST0002 Resource Development Threat actor is trying to establish resources they can use to support operations.
ST0003 Initial Access Threat actor is trying to get point of presecne/command execution on the spacecraft
ST0004 Execution Threat actor is trying to execute malicious code on the spacecraft
ST0005 Persistence Threat actor is trying to maintain their foothold/access to command/execute code on the spacecraft.
ST0006 Defense Evasion Threat actor is trying to avoid being detected.
ST0007 Lateral Movement Threat actor is trying to move through across sub-systems of the spacecraft.
ST0009 Exfiltration Threat actor is trying to steal information.
ST0010 Impact Threat actor is trying to manipulate, interrupt, or destroy the space system(s) and/or data.