Executable File

In computing, executable code or an executable file or executable program, sometimes simply an executable, causes a computer "to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions," as opposed to a data file that must be parsed by a program to be meaningful. These instructions are traditionally machine code instructions for a physical CPU. However, in a more general sense, a file containing instructions (such as bytecode) for a software interpreter may also be considered executable; even a scripting language source file may therefore be considered executable in this sense. The exact interpretation depends upon the use; while the term often refers only to machine code files, in the context of protection against computer viruses all files which cause potentially hazardous instruction

ID: d3f:ExecutableFile

Informational References


D3FEND Techniques

Name Description

SPARTA Countermeasures

ID Name Description
CM0040 Shared Resource Leakage
CM0011 Vulnerability Scanning
CM0015 Software Source Control
CM0018 Dynamic Analysis
CM0021 Software Digital Signature
CM0039 Least Privilege
CM0069 Process White Listing
CM0032 On-board Intrusion Detection & Prevention